Thursday, August 6, 2015

More Digs

Another group of images from some more digs.  The trouble is, I get so focused on what I'm doing sometimes that I often forget to stop and take pictures.  I've forgotten to take pictures on most of the jobs but I'll try to take one on every dig.

These four were from a 100 foot length of perimeter drainage added just 18" down, but the soil conditions were terrible.  It had been more than a month without rain except for the previous weekend.  The client's home is built in an area that used to be a gravel pit, which was reclaimed some 50 years ago, and the soil here is more stone than dirt.  Despite the shallow depth this dig was brutal because of the heat.

These are from a 50' sewer line replacement, the first phase of the job which included another run of about 40' from a wye in the front of this line, as the second phase.

Here are two cuts I made today by eyeball mk 1.  It should make for a nice clean repair now that the water main is in and it's backfilled.

 Adam making a connection to the city shut-off valve, the hole was previously flooded ground due to a break in the line, the valve was just inside shoring depth so I put together a very temporary box. 


 James traversing a masonry stone wall.

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