Friday, September 18, 2015

Sewer line Cleanout

Installing a cleanout means cutting a space in a pipe and fitting a wye or tee to stup up to the surface with a cap, so the line can be inspected or cleaned in future.  This was a 6" PVC about three feet down in Port Coquitlam.  Primary drainage is shown above and to the left in perforated 4" PVC.

Boiler Room III

A closer look at the blowers and unistrut at the end of the now double row of venting, I built my first chain-link fence enclosure around the vent caps.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Boiler Room II

Here are more pictures from the boiler room job.  New boilers have replaced the old ones and tanks.  A contractor was hired to bore the 24" dia. holes in the wall to accommodate the new venting system.
After installing the unistrut support we built the venting in segments.  I built most of the supports and was able to contribute ideas to accomplish various little challenges along the way.  There was a good amount of work to do removing and fitting the new piping and valves/releases to and from the new boilers.